Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Saturday, July 11, 2009
What Will Become of the U.S.A.
1. Teaching Maths In 1970
A logger sells a truckload of timber for $100.
His cost of production is 4/5 of the price.
What is his profit?
2. Teaching Maths In 1980
A logger sells a truckload of timber for $100.
His cost of production is 80% of the price.
What is his profit?
3. Teaching Maths In 1990
A logger sells a truckload of timber for $100.
His cost of production is $80.
How much was his profit?
4. Teaching Maths In 2000
A logger sells a truckload of timber for $100.
His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20.
Your assignment: Underline the number 20.
5. Teaching Maths In 2005
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habit of animals or the preservation of our woodlands. Your assignment: Discuss how the birds and squirrels might feel as the logger cut down their homes just for a measly profit of $20.
6. Teaching Maths In 2009
A logger is arrested for trying to cut down a tree in case it may be offensive to Muslims or other religious groups not consult ed in the felling licence. He is also fined a $100 as his chainsaw is in breach of Health and Safety legislation as it deemed too dangerous and could cut something. He has used the chainsaw for over 20 years without incident however he does not have the correct certificate of competence and is therefore considered to be a recidivist and habitual criminal. His DNA is sampled and his details circulated throughout all government agencies. He protests and is taken to court and fined another $100 because he is such an easy target. When he is released he returns to find Gypsies have cut down half his wood to build a camp on his land. He tries to throw them off but is arrested, prosecuted for harassing an ethnic minority, imprisoned and fined a further $100. While he is in jail the Gypsies cut down the rest of his wood and sell it on the black market for $100 cash. They also have a leaving BBQ of squirrel and pheasant and depart leaving behind several tonnes of rubbish and asbestos sheeting. The forester on release is warned that failure to clear the fly tipped rubbish immediately at his own cost is an offence. He complains and is arrested for environmental pollution, breach of the peace and invoiced $12,000 plus VAT for safe disposal costs by a regulated government contractor.
Your assignment: How many times is the logger going to have to be arrested and fined before he realises that he is never going to make $20 profit by hard work, give up, sign onto the dole and live off the state for the rest of his life?
7. Teaching Maths In 2010
A logger doesn’t sell a lorry load of timber because he can’t get a loan t o buy a new lorry because his bank has spent all his and their money on a derivative of securitised debt related to sub- prime mortgages in Alabama and lost the lot with only some government money left to pay a few million pound bonuses to their senior directors and the traders who made the biggest losses.
The logger struggles to pay the $1,200 road tax on his old lorry however, as it was built in the 1970s it no longer meets the emissions regulations and he is forced to scrap it.
Some Bulgarian loggers buy the lorry from the scrap merchant and put it back on the road. They undercut everyone on price for haulage and send their cash back home, while claiming unemployment for themselves and their relatives. If questioned they speak no English and it is easier to deport them at the governments expense. Following t heir holiday back home they return to the UK with different names and fresh girls and start again. The logger protests, is accused of being a bigoted racist and as his name is on the side of his old lorry he is forced to pay $1,500 registration fees as a gang master.
The Government borrows more money to pay more to the bankers as bonus's are not cheap. The parliamentarians feel they are missing out and claim the difference on expenses and allowances.
You do the maths.
8. Teaching Maths In 2017
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Saturday, June 27, 2009
Source: JSTOR:
Congressional Oversight: The Case of the Clean Air Act
- Michael J. Scicchitano
- Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Aug., 1986), pp. 393-407
- Published by: Comparative Legislative Research Center
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Petition to Support Iranis!
Dear Friends,
Iranian activists have appealed to the world to oppose the violent crackdown on their protests. Massive new protests are planned, the regime is divided. A united global outcry of 1 million voices could help stop the violence. Call on world leaders to unite against the crackdown: |
Top Iranian leaders are divided, so every bit of pressure matters. With massive new protests imminent, Iranian activists are urgently appealing for a united international response to oppose the violent crackdown.
Sign the petition below calling on ALL governments to condemn the crackdown and withhold recognition of any Iranian government until election concerns are peacefully addressed. Then forward this email to friends and family -- let's build a massive global outcry of 1 million voices against the crackdown:
We'll deliver the petition directly to the leaders of Iran's largest trading partners and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the UN, and other international groups respected in Iran. A united international response will puncture the regime's spin that the US and UK alone are behind global criticism.
People power is sweeping global politics. But where leaders respond violently to nonviolent protest, from Burma to Zimbabwe to Iran, global solidarity is needed to show governments that repression weakens their rule, rather than strengthening it.
Avaaz means "voice" in Farsi, the Iranian language. Let's show the people of Iran that, whoever they voted for, we support their right to have their voices heard. Click below to sign the petition, and spread the word by forwarding this email:
With hope and determination,
Ricken, Ben, Milena, Paul, Raluca, Brett, Iain, Pascal, Raj, Graziela, Taren, Paula, Margaret, Veronique and the whole Avaaz team.
PS - For more information on the Iranian elections and protests see these news sources:
BBC -- "Iran silences protesters":
Associated Press -- "Struggle amongst Iran's clerics bursts into the open":
Al Jazeera -- "Iran's Mousavi urges defiance" :
The Huffington Post -- Iran Live blog:
Irani's getting killed with AXES
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Good News for Trader Joes in SD:
Subject: Direct action at Trader Joe's was a success..but not in the way our 'cousins' had intended
Hi, all!
Well, it seems we may have struck a blow for Israeli commerce, at least in San Diego :)
I walked into the Trader Joe's in La Jolla at about 1:30pm PDT, and was relieved to see no Israeli products adorning the floor. I then went up to the Customer Service desk, and asked to be pointed in the directon of all the Israeli products they sold. They did not have to ask why; I was informed that throughout the day, customers had been coming in, and specifically asking to purchase Israeli products. In fact, the chopped garlic had already sold out, and the remaining 4 items (couscous, cilantro, basil and feta cheese) were on their way to being sold out!
When I asked whether the run on the Israeli products was a coincidence, the TJ's people said it was no coincidence. While maintaining their apolitical stance, they said that word of the anti-Israel stunt had served to accomplish only one thing: it had actually spurred the sale of Trader Joe's Israeli products!
So thanks to all of you who helped to spread the word in 36 hours...ya done good! Special mention goes to Nicole Blacher (who initially informed me via the newsletter I forwarded on Thursday) and to Gary Rotto, who hastily assembled the following online column:
After I returned, I went online to express my support to the stalwarts at Trader Joe's. I suggest you do the same. Here's the web address of their Feedback page:
This is what I wrote:
I very rarely write to corporate entities but extraordinary stands require
extraordinary measures. I very much want to register my gratitude to Trader
Joe's for deciding NOT to cave in to anti-Israel organizations, and continuing
to sell products made in Israel.
I know your stand is apolitical in nature but anyone attempting to convince you
that the organization behind the plan to deshelve Israeli products in your
stores is pro-Palestinian is a both senses of the word. The
deshelving action is simply an extension of the worldwide Arab boycott of
Israeli goods, an official boycott that goes way back to the creation of the
Jewish state in 1948. Trader Joe's finds itself in good company. Organizations
that have been threatened include Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson,
Burger King, AOL Time Warner, Disney, Estée Lauder, Nokia, Revlon, Marks &
Spencer, Selfridges and IBM. Up until 5 years ago, I had not heard of Trader
Joe's; I had been living in the UK
for the previous 10 years. However, shortly after my return to San Diego, I was introduced to your store,
and have become a devoted customer ever since. After learning about Trader
Joe's refusal to succumb to the boycott of Israeli goods, I wouldn't think of
shopping anywhere else. In fact, I made a special point of visiting your La Jolla store earlier today to buy one item of every
Israeli product that you sell, including frozen cilantro...AND I HATE CILANTRO!
One of the items you normally sell, chopped garlic, had sold out, apparently
not by coincidence. I was informed by various store personnel that there had
been a steady stream of customers all day long who had been buying Israeli
goods in support of your apolitical stance. Once again, I applaud that
apolitical stance. I choose to SUPPORT organizations, not BOYCOTT them! :) Kind
regards (and thanks), Henry Shillet
Thanks to everyone for their help!
Henry Shillet